low economically developed prison system
prisoners perish from easily curable diseases
Common issue: Malnutrition (which leads to diarrhea, gastroenteritis, etc), HIV/ AIDS
Overcrowding causes most of the health issues
Kenya is experimenting with alternative sentencing such as community service, fines, probation rather than imprisonment
Prisoners are most “at risk population” for AIDS by government of Kenya
Low amounts of education leading to lack of sex-ed: people bring in HIV/AIDs and spread it within
Lack of healthcare professionals who want to work in prisons
TACT grant: funded by US president's Emergency plan for AIDs through CDC
Ensure Kenyan prisoners give HIV care to prisoners and outside community
To also provide TB testing and treatment
Peer method:
Educate 10 workers and inmates on HIV/Aids and trained to give information about testing and treatment
Results: amount of testing incurred and proved to reduce HIV transmission by 60%
noble effort to improve access to healthcare, education, and justice in communities across the continent
Founded in 2004
believes that prisons are catalysts for change
builds sustainable interventions that actively engage prisoners to challenge injustice and empower local governments to implement sustainable change.